Ms. Mari Brown » Homepage


Hello!  My name is Mari Brown and I am a science teacher here at Cole.  This will be my 11th year teaching Biology!
A little about me:
I was raised in San Antonio and received my Bachelor's degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry at Texas State University.  After graduation, I was employed as a zoo keeper at the San Antonio Zoo for 13 years, where I cared for hundreds of species of birds!  I developed a great passion for animals and teaching others about them, which led to my career as a high school science teacher.  I hope to share my passion for nature with students and guide them into becoming caring and knowledgeable about the world around us.
Student supplies-Students will be provided with a spiral notebook to be used all year as their Biology journal.  They will also be given something a pencil to write with at the beginning of the year.  The expectation is to always have a pen/pencil and their journal everyday in class.  I will also have class sets of highlighters and glue sticks, but they may carry and use their own if they prefer. 
Please feel free to email me with any questions:  [email protected]
Biology Remind:  Text @viruses21 to 81010
Classroom Supplies